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I. Taxes
II. Retirement Plan
III. Energy
IV. Campaign Finance Reform
V. Global Warming
VI. Subsidies
VII. The Border
Additional Points
Subject: For many years subsidies have been a way for politicians to repay Special Interest groups for their support. The Treasury can no longer afford these giveaways and the American People will no longer stand for them. If any organization or company or group can not make it on their own, without taxpayer's contributions, they should be allowed to fail.
PLAN: The first subsidy that should go is the "ethanol" debacle. Alcohol that is made from corn is not fuel efficient. Have you noticed, since they started adding 10% ethanol to the tanks of our local gas stations, that our vehicles no longer get the gas mileage that they once got? That is because 90% gasoline + 10% alcohol does not burn as hot in our engines as 100% gasoline does. The computers in our autos tell the fuel pump to send more fuel. This equates to less economy! The rest of the ethanol story is just as bleak. The energy used to turn corn or any grown product into fuel can never be recovered. That is why the ethanol people need a subsidy in the first place. Ethanol can not be put in our existing pipelines, the stuff is too corrosive. That means it must be transported to its destination by a truck that, by the way, burns either diesel or gasoline. None of this makes any sense at all. It is obvious, at this time; we can not GROW our fuel. Since I am against all subsides, here is where some of your oxes get gored. Public television (with Big Bird and Barney, both millionaires) should sell advertising, like regular television. Amtrak should raise prices or go under. National Public Radio, sell ads. The National Endowment of the Arts should not have an Endowment supported by the taxpayers. Farmers that are paid to NOT grow crops should grow anything they choose, and the Federal Government will buy their surplus at a modest profit and give the crops to the world as the only aid they are going to get. The cash flow to countries that never support us in anything we do is OVER. If they are hungry, we will feed them, we will gladly feed and supply medical help, but no money for war lords to buy weapons from other countries and one day use them against us. The United States should get out of the business of subsidizing anything. All subsides must stop, regardless of what it is.